Managing a Social Feed

I started a Twitter feed when I was working at OpenSesame as its marketing automation manager and used it to keep track of elearning and online training articles. At first, it was fun getting other users in the elearning industry to follow me back and I even won a really fancy box of donuts for my workplace for participating in a social media promotion for promoting a company's webinar.

That aside, I've taken a more hardline approach to managing this feed. I've gone beyond the simple follow and unfollow.

The rules of Twitter feed @SerenaHsiMktg:

If you are a Social Media follower seller - you get muted, not followed
If you are tweeting in a non-English language - followed and muted
Porn stars - muted, not followed
All followers followed have retweets turned off

Lately I've noticed that a lot of users with more than 5k followers are stacking their follower numbers by following and unfollowing other users, hoping that other users are not as vigilant as they are in unfollowing. This gives the Twitter community the impression that the one with the most followers has the most reach; which, in part is very true.

Follow me, I follow you back
Follow me, I follow you, unfollow me, I unfollow and mute you
Follow me again and I unfollow and block you (because you are already muted, I can see that you are trying to stack your follower count)

There are paid add-ons that do some of these steps, but not for repeat visit follows requests. For now I'll just manage this feed monthly or whenever I get around to it. Costs me about 10 minutes--which does add up over the course of a year. Maybe I should consider using an app add-on with automated settings to manage follows and unfollows.

And all those Twitter in-app messages? I don't read any of them.

Is there a goal for this feed? Probably not. Though, I've expanded article links to include all business and technology topics that are interesting. It just is a feed of what I happen to be reading at the time.