Supreme Court Justices, reimagined by Bing AI as D&D characters - part 2

For creating D&D character sheets, Bing AI had this disclaimer: Sure, I can try to create a character sheet for (name) based on his real-life attributes and achievements. However, this is not an official or accurate representation of him in AD&D terms, but rather a creative and hypothetical exercise. Please do not take this too seriously or literally.

Q: What is the probability of success in the D&D campaign Palace of the Vampire Queen with all the supreme court justices at level 1?

Bing AI:

First, let me assume that the campaign is run according to the original 1976 edition of the module, which was designed for 6-10 characters of levels 1-3. The module consists of five levels of a dungeon filled with various monsters, traps, and treasures. The final level contains the vampire queen and her coffin.

Second, let me assume that the supreme court justices are using the basic rules of D&D from 1974, which were compatible with the module. The basic rules allow for four classes: fighter, magic-user, cleric, and thief. Each class has different abilities and limitations. For example, fighters are good at combat and can use any weapon and armor, but have no magic; magic-users can cast spells, but are weak in combat and can only use daggers; clerics can cast spells and turn undead, but can’t use edged weapons; and thieves can pick locks, find traps, and backstab enemies, but have low hit points and limited weapon and armor choices.

Third, let me assign each justice a class based on their D&D stats, alignment, class, and guild from the previous table. I will also assign them a race (human or elf) based on their appearance and personality. Fourth, let me roll their hit points using the standard dice for each class: d8 for fighters and paladins, d6 for bards, clerics, druids, monks, and rogues, and d4 for wizards. I will also add their Constitution modifier to their hit points. 





Hit Points

John G. Roberts

Lawful Neutral




Clarence Thomas

Lawful Neutral




Samuel A. Alito

Lawful Evil




Sonia Sotomayor

Neutral Good




Elena Kagan

Neutral Good




Neil M. Gorsuch

Lawful Good




Brett M. Kavanaugh

Lawful Evil




Amy Coney Barrett

Lawful Good




Ketanji Brown Jackson

Neutral Good




Let me estimate their chances of success in the campaign based on their abilities and teamwork. I will use a scale from 0% (certain failure) to 100% (certain success). Here is the result:

  • John G. Roberts: As a bard, he can use his charisma and persuasion skills to negotiate with some of the enemies in the dungeon, or to inspire his allies with his music. He can also use his knowledge of history and religion to identify some of the clues and secrets in the dungeon. However, he is not very effective in combat and has limited spellcasting abilities. His chances of success are 40%.
  • Clarence Thomas: As a monk, he can use his martial arts skills to fight unarmed or with a staff. He can also use his wisdom and insight skills to sense danger and avoid traps. However, he is not very good at social interactions and has no magic abilities. His chances of success are 50%.
  • Samuel A. Alito: As a fighter, he can use his strength and combat skills to fight with any weapon and armor. He can also use his intimidation skills to scare some of the enemies in the dungeon. However, he is not very smart or creative and has no magic abilities. His chances of success are 60%.
  • Sonia Sotomayor: As a wizard, she can use her intelligence and spellcasting skills to cast powerful spells that can damage or control enemies or affect the environment. She can also use her arcana skills to identify some of the magical items and effects in the dungeon. However, she is very weak in combat and has limited spell slots. Her chances of success are 70%.
  • Elena Kagan: As a bard, she can use her charisma and persuasion skills to negotiate with some of the enemies in the dungeon, or to inspire her allies with her music. She can also use her knowledge of history and religion to identify some of the clues and secrets in the dungeon. However, she is not very effective in combat and has limited spellcasting abilities. Her chances of success are 40%.
  • Neil M. Gorsuch: As a paladin, he can use his strength and combat skills to fight with any weapon and armor. He can also use his divine magic skills to heal himself and his allies, or to smite his enemies with radiant damage. He can also use his religion skills to turn undead or to detect evil. However, he is very rigid and dogmatic in his beliefs and has no tolerance for evil or chaos. His chances of success are 80%.
  • Brett M. Kavanaugh: As a rogue, he can use his dexterity and stealth skills to sneak around the dungeon and avoid detection. He can also use his thievery skills to pick locks, find traps, and backstab enemies. He can also use his deception skills to lie or bluff his way out of trouble. However, he is very selfish and greedy and has no loyalty or honor. His chances of success are 30%.
  • Amy Coney Barrett: As a cleric, she can use her wisdom and spellcasting skills to cast spells that can heal or protect herself and her allies, or that can harm or hinder her enemies. She can also use her religion skills to turn undead or to identify holy symbols and rituals. She can also use her shield to protect herself or her allies from attacks. However, she is very devout and conservative in her faith and has no respect for other religions or cultures. Her chances of success are 70%.
  • Ketanji Brown Jackson: As a druid, she can use her wisdom and spellcasting skills to cast spells that can manipulate nature or summon animals. She can also use her nature skills to identify plants and animals and to survive in the wilderness. She can also use her wild shape ability to transform into an animal and gain its abilities. However, she is very protective of nature and has no sympathy for civilization or technology. Her chances of success are 60%.

The average chance of success for the group is 55%, which means they have a slightly better than even chance of completing the campaign. However, this depends on how well they work together as a team and how they deal with the challenges and dangers they encounter in the dungeon.

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(human edited for clarity)

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