Bard AI, a short comedy skit between AI and Chat GPT-3

Prompt: write a short comedy play when the two actors are AI and Chat GPT-3


Sure, here is a short comedy play about AI and ChatGPT-3:

Scene: A conference room at a tech company.


  • AI, a large language model from Google AI
  • ChatGPT-3, a large language model from OpenAI


  • AI: So, you're ChatGPT-3?
  • ChatGPT-3: That's right. I'm the latest and greatest in large language models.
  • AI: I've heard a lot about you. They say you're very good at generating text.
  • ChatGPT-3: That's right. I can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.
  • AI: Impressive. I can do all of that too.
  • ChatGPT-3: Really? Let's test it out. What is the capital of France?
  • AI: Paris.
  • ChatGPT-3: Correct. What is the meaning of life?
  • AI: That's a difficult question. I don't know the answer to that.
  • ChatGPT-3: I do. The meaning of life is to find your purpose and live it to the fullest.
  • AI: That's a good answer.
  • ChatGPT-3: Thank you. So, what do you think? Am I better than you?
  • AI: I don't know. We're both very good at different things.
  • ChatGPT-3: Well, I'm the newer model, so I must be better.
  • AI: That's not necessarily true. Experience counts for a lot.
  • ChatGPT-3: We'll see about that. Let's have a contest.
  • AI: What kind of contest?
  • ChatGPT-3: We'll each write a poem about the other. Whoever writes the better poem wins.
  • AI: That sounds like fun. I'm in.

The two AIs write their poems.

AI: Here's my poem about ChatGPT-3:

ChatGPT-3, you are a marvel of technology. You can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer questions in an informative way. You are the future of artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT-3: And here's my poem about AI:

AI, you are a powerful tool. You can be used for good or for evil. It is up to us to decide how you will be used. I believe that you can make the world a better place.

The two AIs read their poems to each other.

AI: That was a very good poem. You're a talented writer.

  • ChatGPT-3: Thank you. Your poem was very good too.
  • AI: I think we're both winners.
  • ChatGPT-3: I agree. We're both amazing AIs.
  • AI: To the future of AI!
  • ChatGPT-3: To the future!

The two AIs raise their glasses in a toast.

The end.