Startup Resources for Remote Work, Pandemic Response

Never in my lifetime have I seen 17 million people file for unemployment within a few weeks. Couple that with all the country-specific travel restrictions, and the shutdown of certain retail industry sectors: entertainment, in-store dining, travel, brick 'n mortar stores, and from a state mandate, closure of non-essential businesses such as daycare centers, hair salons, eateries w/o takeout or delivery options, etc. 

Here is a compilation of resources that your small business or startup may find useful:

Video conferencing. Alternatives to Zoom conferencing if user privacy is a concern:

COVID-19 Response Plans. HR policies and procedures that address health and safety of employees

Remote Work Policies & Tools (examples):

Grants and other non-money assistance:
  • Google - $340 million in Google Ads credits available to all SMBs with active accounts over the past year

Small Business Gov't Resources

WA State