Blog stats

I check the stats for this blog occasionally to see what enhancements quietly emerge under the dashboard and to see what topics are of most interest to random passersby. Here are a few things about all you visitors for the last 30 days or so.

Majority of page views come from the US, after that the top 5 countries are: Canada, India, China, Singapore, and Brazil.

While I still use organic methods to generate traffic, only 29% came from Google organic search; everyone else came in through having bookmarked this site or as direct traffic (e.g., you found the blog through my CV, LinkedIn profile, or from any of the marketing resources sites where I'm an active member). This is one of the quirky things I haven't quite understood about how GA looks at search traffic. For starters, I don't use paid search at all.

Recently, a lot of keywords involve SES (otherwise known as Amazon's simple email service) and all the troubleshooting inquires from using it are appearing. Maybe I should post some basic tutorials as to how to get started with SES. It's really no different than other email service providers, and generally what's in the FAQ is really what they offer.

No one bothers to read this blog with a mobile device like a smartphone, iPad or iPod, but apparently my food blog generates that kind of interest. It is pretty cool that if you do see mobile traffic stats that GA also tracks the mobile providers as well.

The heat map clicks are pretty useless. A third of you click the 'home' button at the bottom of the page instead of using the page up button on your desktop/laptop/mobile device and a third of you click onto the link of the blog in the Creative Commons license box. The last third, seems to be just the label tags to the side.
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