Airline fees are like bank fees

Article: Southwest adds charge to board sooner

Wow, this is a great [insert sarcasm] revenue generator. I scoff at this because the last flight I took on Delta Airlines charged $25/seat to upgrade to an exit row. As such, there were several empty exit-row seats on the flight. Good luck to anyone needing to evacuate through those rows. It doesn't matter how soon you board the plane or get settled into your seat; and likewise, it doesn't matter if you sit in First Class or Economy because if you have an aisle seat, you still have to get up and out of it to let in the middle and window seaters. What value is $10/flight to a passenger who gets to sit down first when the airplane can't even take off until everyone is seated?

It's bad enough that 150+ passengers have to share two bathrooms at the back of the plane. What's next?