NonProfit Marketing

Having attended my first marketing committee meeting with the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, I have come to realize that the outreach efforts employed by nonprofits is largely the same as a B2C business, with major exceptions: tiny budget, utilizes mostly volunteer time, and very little of the actual marketing (collateral creaton, web content, print production, etc.) is done by its volunteers. Committee meetings are held at the SW Washington chapter office, 2nd Wednesdays 5pm. Every year the marketing coordinator for the nonprofit changes since it is a stipend-paid position that is sponsored by the AmeriCorps VISTA program.

Our barnstorming meeting about December outreach methods came up with the following avenues for getting the word out:
  • Advertisement in the EH4H e-newsletter
  • Email to newsletter distribution group about upcoming events
  • Posts to the shared chapter FB page
  • Twitter
  • Handing out flyer and brochures to the neighborhood
  • Personal invitation calls to the Home Dedication Ceremony made by committee members to executives that participated in the CEO and Elected Officials build day
  • Contacting local news outlets for Public Service Announcements